What you should know:
- A concussion is a mild traumatic brain Injury (mTBI)
- there is no single definition of concussion that is universally accepted
- seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a concussion
- returning to normal activities, including sport participation, is a step-by-step process requiring patience, attention and caution, under the guidance of a medical professional
- concussions in sports can have a serious impact on an athlete’s future, yet there is little mandatory reporting, concussion awareness, and inconsistent adherence to return-to-play guidelines
Parents can take measures to minimize risk to children in sports by ensuring proper helmet fitting and becoming aware of the signs of concussion.
Concussions Ontario is working to build recognition and awareness of concussion by the public, health care providers, school staff, employers, coaches, players, and regulators.
For more information on Recognition and Awareness: www.concussionsontario.org